Nancy Baranowski

Nancy Baranowski Chicago, IL Associação Escola Graduada de São Paulo Graded American School Mailing Address: Caixa Postal 1976 CEP 01059-970 SãoPaulo, SP, Brasil Street Address: Av. Pres. Giovanni Gronchi, 4710 CEP 05724-002 SãoPaulo, SP, Brasil Address: Rua Marcus Pereira, 125, apt 103 CEP:05642-020 São Paulo, Brasil phone: (55 11) 3744-2185

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

La Santisima de Trinidad de Parana Mission Encarnación, Paraguay

Jesuit Missions
Two priests were assigned to each reducción to bring the Roman Catholic religion to the indigenous Guaraní tribes, give them a basic education and teach them other skills in carpentry and art. As the missions grew, the Spanish and Portuguese began to fear that the Jesuits were becoming too powerful and independent. In 1756 they attacked the missions and left them in ruins.


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