Nancy Baranowski

Nancy Baranowski Chicago, IL Associação Escola Graduada de São Paulo Graded American School Mailing Address: Caixa Postal 1976 CEP 01059-970 SãoPaulo, SP, Brasil Street Address: Av. Pres. Giovanni Gronchi, 4710 CEP 05724-002 SãoPaulo, SP, Brasil Address: Rua Marcus Pereira, 125, apt 103 CEP:05642-020 São Paulo, Brasil phone: (55 11) 3744-2185

Friday, September 22, 2006

August 11, 2006 Pictures of downtown Sao Paulo.
Pátio do Colégio is a modern reconstruction of the Jesuit school (now a museum) and church which marked the foundation of the city in the 16th century.


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