Nancy Baranowski

Nancy Baranowski Chicago, IL Associação Escola Graduada de São Paulo Graded American School Mailing Address: Caixa Postal 1976 CEP 01059-970 SãoPaulo, SP, Brasil Street Address: Av. Pres. Giovanni Gronchi, 4710 CEP 05724-002 SãoPaulo, SP, Brasil Address: Rua Marcus Pereira, 125, apt 103 CEP:05642-020 São Paulo, Brasil phone: (55 11) 3744-2185

Friday, March 02, 2007

Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires, Argentina

These are the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, mothers of the Dirty War victims, who have been marching around the Plaza de Mayo every Thursday for 30 years protesting and campaigning for justice and information about 'the disappeared'. They wear white headscarves and photos of their lost children around their neck. The banner symbolizes their denial of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas and demands an end to the US interference in the region.

Madres de la Plaza de Mayo March


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